Hodges et al., 2021, Helicobacter pylori infection and hypochlorhydria in Zambian adults and children: A secondary data analysis
▷ Keyword: Hypochlorhydria; gastric acid secretion; hypoacidity; Helicobacter pylori; HIV
Sarker et al., 2012, Influence of Helicobacter pylori Infection on Gastric Acid Secretion in Pre-School Bangladeshi Children
▷ Keyword: 13C urea breath test, acid secretion; H. pylori; Helicobacter pylori; H. pylori eradication; Basal acid output; Stimulated acid output
Kaneko et al., 2002, Helicobacter pylori and gut hormones
▷ Keyword: gastric acid; gastritis; Helicobacer pylori; somatostatin
Sano et al., 1993, Effect of Experimental Hypochlorhydria on the Histological Differentiation of Adenocarcinomas in the Canine Stomach
▷ Keyword: Hypochlorhydria; gastric cancer; differentiated-type gastric carcinoma; differentiated adenocarcinoma;
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